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Sun, Sep 13
|Sunset Park Campus
Worship Service/BOOMNYC In-Service Baptism
Baptism is a symbol of being purified by God and declaring that your new life belongs to Jesus Christ. ***Open to all members that have fulfilled the biblical requirements and teaching (Baptism 101 Class) according to scripture.
Registration is Closed
See other eventsTime & Location
Sep 13, 2020, 10:00 AM EDT
Sunset Park Campus, Brooklyn, NY, USA
About the Event
- FULL NAME ___________________________________________
- ADDRESS _____________________________________________
- CITY __________________________ STATE _________________ ZIP ________________
- EMAIL ____________________________________________________________________
- TELEPHONE NUMBERS - HOME ____________________ MOBILE ______________________
- DATE OF BIRTH _______________________
- MARITAL STATUS __________________________
- PREVIOUS CHURCH _________________________________________________________
- DATE OF CONVERSION ____________________
- Have you confessed your sins and asked the Lord to forgive you? __________ (Read John 1:9)
- Have you accepted the Lord as your personal savior? ___________ (Read John 1:12)
- Do you believe with your whole heart that the Lord has forgiven all your sins? __________ (Read Hebrews 8:12 and Psalm 103:12)
- Can you testify with certainty that you are a born again child of God? __________ (Read John 10:28)
- Do you believe that baptism in water should follow after conversion? __________ (Read Mathew 28:19)
- Is it the desire of your heart to be baptized through submersion?__________
- What does it mean to you to be water baptized? ______________________________________________
- Are you rededicating your life and would like to be re-baptized?____________ Why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Baptism symbolizes burial of the old life and being raised up in a new life with Christ, as explained in Romans 6:1-6. Furthermore, baptism is a confession of complete change and forsaking the old sinful life, of total surrender to and acceptance of a new life in and through Christ, as it is written in Galatians 2:20
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